Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I believe that my opinion is important.
I believe that your opinion is important too.

What do you believe?
And what do you believe in?
What makes you angry?
What makes you laugh out loud?
What would it take to bring you to tears?

Now ask yourself if any of these questions might have the same answer. 
I find that they frequently do.

This is the first entry into “Rob’s Morning Rant”.
My plan is to explore
whatever is bringing me down,
lifting me up,
aggravating me,
making me laugh
or otherwise just plain interesting enough
to hold my attention at that particular point in time.

I expect the subject of interest for any given entry will range
from the political to the philosophical,
from the world of science and the world of religion,
exploring the world of current events and the media madness of the entertainment world.
Or maybe I’ll just make stuff up to see how you respond.

My hope is that you, the reader, will find yourself interested
in responding to my point of view
with opinions of your own. 
True enough, I want you to know what I think
But, more than that, I want to hear what you think too.

I want to find out where other people stand
on the issues, events and subjects that attract my attention. 

When something ….
anything …  
makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, for whatever reason,
I want to know who else notices.

Then maybe we’ll disagree. 
Maybe we’ll agree.
Maybe we’ll change our minds
or learn something that we never knew before
about something that really got us thinking.

And maybe,
If enough of us start thinking about the same things
and talking about the same things
we can make a difference in a positive way.

In any case….

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