Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I am a supporter of our armed forces.
I have a great deal of respect for the fact
that they are doing a job that I would
not likely choose for my self. 
I also believe that the majority of them
have chosen their career path
for the right reasons.

With Remembrance Day just passed
and our troops still deployed in Afghanistan
(and likely to be there for some time)
questions arise.

Some people don’t understand
why supporting our armed forces is important. 
Several generations of Canadians have never witnessed
an international conflict
with a threat that seemed real and present.
It does seem at times that our forces are called upon
to fight battles that are not ours to fight.

But here’s the deal.
We are not an unaligned nation. 
Canada is a member of NATO and of the U.N.
As a result, we have obligations. 
When our government is called upon to participate
as part of a united front against a perceived threat
to international security,
we are obliged to answer that call
by sending our people and resources to fill a role,
combat or otherwise. 
We hope and expect that our government will make decisions
to back, or back away from, such initiatives
in keeping with our own country’s moral code.

Whether or not one believes that we belong in Afghanistan is not the issue.
The question is, for me,
do I believe the men and women in uniform
who have been sent into harm’s way on behalf of our government
deserve my support, my prayers and my thanks
for doing a dirty and dangerous job?
Yes I do.

Once upon a time our military role was as peacekeepers. 
We were known and respected the world wide
for inventing and living up to the spirit of that role.
Unfortunately, the world is not, and never has been, a peaceful place.

Whether or not one believes
that what happens to governments on the other side of the world
represents a tangible threat to us
doesn't matter as much as understanding
that someone is over there right now,
ensuring that the point remains academic;
An issue to be discussed around the dinner table.

We are safe in our homes.
Protected by someone who is half a world away.
By someone for whom the situation remains very real.

1 comment:

  1. The question is: in what way are people half-way around the world protecting us? Is what they are doing actually having any effect? If positive thoughts and prayers do anything, are they enough? In what way can we support our troops, other than by pressuring our government to take them out of harm's way? Our government needs to take us back to the days of Canadians as peacekeepers.
